
The One Thing You Need to Know: Life Speaks to You

“How can I live life to its fullest potential, and notice and appreciate it while I’m living it?” – Johanna, from Poland.

Your life speaks to you in a language that only you understand. There's a limit to what you can get from the advice of other people. Share on X

Many people think that the key to living a happy and fulfilled life is achievement, goal attainment, or overcoming challenges – but those people are wrong. If you can look at your life as a source of moments, of joy, and of energy, you’ll realize that your life is constantly sending you signals about what strengthens and invigorates you. The true challenge comes from listening and honoring the signals when your life speaks to you.


One Comment

  1. Mary Hayes January 30, 2018 at 11:54 AM

    Work can be so time consuming today. It seems that we never disconnect from work because of smartphones and email. So why not find the times where you are loving what you do and capitalize on it. Someone once said do what you love and the money will follow. I think it should be more of craft what you love to do in your work and you will find happiness and less stress. So I keep a notepad next to me while I work and make note of what I love to do and what I just can’t seem to get to. This helps me know when I am at my best and living the strengths dream!

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