Frequency matters.

When it comes to having effective check-ins, does frequency matter? We know that weekly check-ins drive engagement and performance decisively, but can you get the same effect with less attention, by checking in once a month, or once every six weeks?

We’ve measured the impact of check-ins, and frequency does matter.  When people check in once a week or once every two weeks, you will see an immediate increase in performance and engagement.  But if they do it once a month or less, you will actually see a decrease in these key factors.

Human beings love attention.  Attention makes people feel valued, stretched, and recognized, and makes them more productive and engaged. And people’s need for attention is, it seems, like a water bucket with a hole in it. The water needs to be replenished regularly, or the bucket will empty.

All a check-in is, really, is a little bit of water added to the bucket. But it makes all the difference.


  1. Celeste October 5, 2016 at 6:47 AM

    Fantastic, just listened to all the video’s! I am a firm believer of the check-ins and focusing ahead. I have two questions though:

    1. how do you make the check-in’s effective or is it really just about “checking-in” to see if everything is on track?
    2. what tool are you referring to for check-in’s or is the rhythm & frequency the tool?
    3. do you recommend capturing the conversation or is that taking it to a different level?

  2. KF November 8, 2017 at 3:40 AM

    Is that a book on the window sill? “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?’ If so, who is the author?

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