
The Gift of StandOut

Imagine a world where we all saw the BEST in one another. So, let’s take the StandOut strengths assessment together! Share on X

You love your family and friends. You are a leader who wants to lead better. You are a colleague wanting to deepen connections with your team ~ so please, please take advantage of the Gift of StandOut. 

Our current situation is really disorienting and it’s so easy  to begin to feel helpless, like you can’t touch anyone, reach anyone, help anyone. I know I have that feeling, with my family spread thousands of miles away in England.

I know I want my mom to feel more confident than ever that she has what it takes to get through these disorienting days. I want my sister to know how to describe her strengths just in case her dancing career is put on hold by this global health crisis. And I want my brother, living alone in his London flat, to take comfort from knowing that I’m there with him, helping him see himself at his very best.

You want this for the people you love and care about too.

I built StandOut in 2011 to help a person pinpoint, in a super credible and precise way, their distinctive strengths. Well, could there be a more important time for each of us to double-down on our strengths?  I don’t think there is.

I’m so thrilled to give you this gift. But even more excited to give you a gift to give.


  • This weekend or upcoming week – find 15 quiet minutes with no distractions and TAKE THE STANDOUT STRENGTHS ASSESSMENT.
  • Read and print your results which include your 14-page strengths report
  • On Friday, April 17th at noon PST meet me on Instagram with your report. I will be delivering a LIVE session where we’ll do a deep dive into your results.

Mark your calendars for Friday, okay? See you then.